“Voices of the Bosque” features voices of our community. It is a place where we can share what the Bosque means to us, why we are grateful to have this natural place as part of our city, why we come here to walk or pedal along, to witness the changing seasons, to observe the birds and other wildlife, to enjoy the solace and peace and beauty of nature, and why we want our great natural treasures to be preserved and protected.

If you'd like to contribute an essay, a poem, or other relevant ramblings (250-1000 words), please send your submission to savethebosque@gmail.com with the subject heading “Voices of the Bosque.” Photos and artwork are also welcome.


Water is Life

By Jaelyn DeMaria

Water is life, water is feminine and water is strong. It has sustained our communities over generations and allowed humans to plant seeds, harvest and grow with the sacred elements that surround us, and that are so connected to our physical and cultural survival in this place we call home. The bosque is the place where the ancestors first drew water and had faith in the landscape to sustain future generations. Since then, many have followed, attempting to control, own and govern these waters, forgetting that she does not belong to us, we belong to her. We have great responsibility in taking care of this area, as it has always taken care of us, and to have respect for all of the animals and plants that also cling to the bosque for survival. The waters remain strong with life‐giving force, providing space for nature to survive in the city against all odds. We still have the opportunity to honor the delicate balance that exists here and we have an obligation to do so. I hope these images communicate gratitude and hopefulness for the protection of this sacred place. 

See Jaelyn's related photos in our "Visions of the Bosque" section here.

Jaelyn deMaría is a multimedia storyteller, originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico and a postdoctoral fellow in the Communication & Journalism Department at the University of New Mexico. Her research interests are centered in the intersections of intercultural communication, justice studies, Xican@ studies, ritual behavior, border studies and anticolonial studies through a lens of visual communication and media justice. She is interested in studying strategies of resistance and models of sustainability within the context of globalization and free trade. Jaelyn worked as a staff photographer for the Albuquerque Journal before she left to pursue personal projects and opportunities in teaching. She approaches teaching through a service learning and community engagement model.